Hong Kong detective Bennie Chan (Jackie Chan) has been tracking notorious crime boss "Matador" – whom he believes to be businessman Victor Wong (Winston Chao) – for over a decade after the death of Bennie's partner Yung (Eric Tsang). When Yung's daughter Samantha (Fan Bingbing) gets into trouble with Wong's crime syndicate, Bennie must track down an American conman, Connor Watts (Johnny Knoxville), who gambles his way through Chinese casinos after being banned in America and he witness the murder of a woman named Esther Yee in Wong's Macau casino. However, before Bennie can find him, Connor is kidnapped by a Russian kingpin to answer for leaving his daughter pregnant.
Posted by Super Lucian
Posted on 12:39:00 PM
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Hong Kong detective Bennie Chan (Jackie Chan) has been tracking notorious crime boss "Matador" – whom he believes to be businessman Victor Wong (Winston Chao) – for over a decade after the death of Bennie's partner Yung (Eric Tsang). When Yung's daughter Samantha (Fan Bingbing) gets into trouble with Wong's crime syndicate, Bennie must track down an American conman, Connor Watts (Johnny Knoxville), who gambles his way through Chinese casinos after being banned in America and he witness the murder of a woman named Esther Yee in Wong's Macau casino. However, before Bennie can find him, Connor is kidnapped by a Russian kingpin to answer for leaving his daughter pregnant.
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